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Sylwia Wenska   biogram

Blue horses, 2023

Acrylic, Canvas

Wymiary:   100 cm x 100 cm

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1 000 zł
1 000 zł

Item's description:

"Blue Horses" is a captivating painting with dimensions of 100*100cm. In this artwork, a girl is depicted with two striking blue horses, one on each side, and a dove gracefully soaring above her head. The composition delves into the Christian symbolism associated with the color blue, alluding to the celestial, and plays on the Polish wordplay between "niebieski" (blue) and "niebiański" (heavenly).

The presence of a golden halo behind the girl's head hints at a divine connection, suggesting that the heavenly horses and the dove are guiding her towards goodness and spiritual enlightenment. The backdrop of the painting is a rich combination of red and black, creating a striking contrast with the heavenly elements. Notably, the girl's cheeks are adorned with red circles, adding a unique touch to the overall composition. This piece is a captivating exploration of spirituality and symbolism, weaving together elements of the earthly and the heavenly.

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