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Serge Vasilendiuc biogram

Crimson Carpet House, 2022

Mixed media, Acrylic, Canvas
29 cm x 29 cm

Paintings, Abstract, Minimalism, Pop-art, Surrealism, Landscape, Geometric, Architecture, Fantasy


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"Crimson Carpet House", 2022, acrylic & pearl on 3D canvas, 29x29cm - painted "en-plein air" at international art symposium from Grădina Botanică "Vasile Fati" Jibou, RO.
(...) Serge Vasilendiuc thoroughly investigate why and extract the geometric essence of dominant forms. He's not letting himself drew in the playful vibrations nets of the changing and unstable lights that surround robust forms of objects that make up the repertoire. The painter   subordinates those vibrations of changing lights, to the geometric construction rules of the panel, making it finally to witness a consolidation of constructive type of composition as a whole. The shadows become active participants in finalizing the painting structure. They are invested with expressive attributes itself... (Liviu Suhar)

Artworks by artist - Serge Vasilendiuc
Oil, Canvas, 40 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 580
Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, 33 cm x 33 cm
Price $1 180
Acrylic, Oil, Canvas, 43 cm x 43 cm
Price $1 440
Oil, Tempera, Canvas, 50 cm x 50 cm
Price $1 710
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