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Men’s Matters at the “Men’s Thing” Auction – Art for Men

Julia Maciejewska,

On September 27th, we have an extraordinary event lined up—one like never before at Art in House — the “Men’s Thing” Auction — art for men. In celebration of Men’s Day, our auction house will transform into a favorite spot for all men. Our offerings will include paintings and sculptures showcasing feminine and sports motifs, depictions of infrastructure and automotive themes, and even historical or political references.

Marta Julia Piórko, An elegant lover, 2019


The Attire and Physique of a True Gentleman – Oil and Acrylic Paintings at the Auction

At this testosterone-filled auction, you’ll also find numerous works celebrating the ideal male physique and the epitome of stylish, fashionable attire. Wojciech Pelc and Andrzej Wroński have captured the athletic male body, embodying the ancient pursuit of perfection. The men’s fashion corner makes an equally stunning appearance; Andrzej Kielar presents an elegant outfit with a surreal steampunk twist. Magdalena Karwowska reflects the auction reality, where dapper auctioneers in suits strive to sell works by Picasso and Haring at their best. The catalog also features men’s attire from bygone eras. In Dariusz Kaleta’s painting, gentlemen appear dressed in kontuszes and feathered caps reminiscent of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, while in a graphic work by an unknown artist, we can glimpse the fashion that prevailed in the military during the Napoleonic Wars.

Magdalena Karwowska, Auction, 2024
Adam Konstanty Hoffmann, Parliament, 1969
Michał Ostaniewicz, The last toast, 2019
Andrzej Kielar, Steamfish driver, 2024
Dariusz Kaleta, On the pass II, 2018


Artysta Nierozpoznany, Somosierra
Andrzej Wroński, Relaxation, 2017
Zdzisław Kraśnik, Portrait of a young man, 1955
Marcin Lenczowski, Gray no. 68, 2024
Wojciech Pelc, Hephaestus, 2022


Paintings Created Especially for Men – Cars, Motorcycles, Ships

One thing men undoubtedly love is all kinds of vehicles—vintage and modern, flashy inventions. Andrzej Sajewski delves into the world of out-of-date vehicles, depicting a departing freight train, while Izabela Bajda and Rafał Mruszczak showcase cars from the 1940s and 1950s. Modern, realistic vehicles can be seen in the works of Janusz Kulikowski, who offers us military helicopters and a battleship, Piotr Rembieliński, who captures a car speeding through the city at night, and Justyna Woźniak and Monika Bartkowiak-Zawadzka, who have painted motorcycles. In the realm of futurism, Artur Kolba presents an oil painting of a fantastical airship.

Rafał Mruszczak, Red car, 2024
Izabela Bajda, Pink suits her face, 2024
Karina Góra, Oceans, 2024
Hugo Giza, Holiday trip, 2024
Mariusz Zdybał, Friedrich’s last cruise, 2024
Andrzej Sajewski, Calm Now, 2018


Justyna Woźniak, Untitled, 2024
Janusz Kulikowski, Apocalypse time, 2017
Artur Kolba, Haven of oblivion, 2014

The pre-auction exhibition will be held at Art in House on Aleje Jerozolimskie 107 in Warsaw starting from September 23, 2024. We warmly invite everyone, especially men, to view the works and participate in the auction. Gentlemen, this auction, “A Man’s Thing” – Art for Men, is being held especially in honor of your holiday. Best wishes!

Anna Szóstak, Old Rat, 2024


Auction Catalog and Visualization Catalog can be found at these links:

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